BLOG 2 - Why did you this career/study program?

 Looking for a vocation.

The story start with a young student who never liked the school and study, indeed one of his geatest problems (to naw) is the low responsability in the homeworks. This adolescent wanted to dedicate his life to a work that really make him happy, any out of the academic problems who always hurted him.

Then he discovered the fashion world and decided study hair dress, manicure, pedicure and epilation, the same job of his loving grandma. He dreamed with work in make to the peopple look beautyfull. 

But his parents was not agree, they thought that this career is not going to be sustentable for his economic life, reason why they made understand to their son that, in Chile, is really necesary has got a proffesional career´s tittle.

In the end of the high school, he started to investigate on the web sytes of the statal universitys and found the periodism career.

He was surprised with the variety of topics that he could specializy in the career, reason why he decided study periodism with the ilusion of be a journalism of fashion and farandule.



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