"The Scottish Psycho" Drew Mcintyre

 Andrew Mclean Galloway IV is Scotland proffesional wrestler, he fight at the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), down the name of  Drew Mcintyre and was two times WWE World champion.

Drew debuted on the WWE on the year 2007 and two years later, by not honest methods, he is becoming the Intercontinental Champion with a duration of 161 days. But after, by the eccesive privilegous given by the max authority of the company, Vince McMahon, Drew started to fight very bad and to loss the great part of his fights, reason why he was fired on the year 2014. He continued his career at the independient wrestling companys

On the year 2017 he returned to the WWE and in the 2020 he won the Royal Rumble Match, reason why he could challenge to the WWE World champion, Brock Lesnar, in Wrestlemania, the most important event of the company.

The world was chocked after Drew defeated to the Encarned Beast with his finisher move, "The Claymore Kick", becoming one of the greatest and admirated fighter of the last time. 

 I really admirate Drew Mcintyre for how he fight, the espectacular moves that he use and hes actitud to confront his rivals, but the principal reason why I admirate him is for his story, how he chowed us that in the worst times in the life, we can still fighting and complete our dreams. 


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